Another hike into Laguna Wilderness park on Saturday the 29th August. Jane Kadoich joined me for her first hike into the park. It was surprisingly cool at 7am for a day that was promising 100 plus. By 8:30 the sun got serious and it cooked us before we finished our hike at 10am.
But we were prepared, had on our hike hats, sunblock, water and hiking shoes.
I shared my new birthday hiking poles with her. I'm a devotee of hiking poles now. They add stability to the climbs and balance to the descends. I also find they help me with my pace and gate. I miss them on even simple hikes. Poles are also a good upper body work out.
I shared my new birthday hiking poles with her. I'm a devotee of hiking poles now. They add stability to the climbs and balance to the descends. I also find they help me with my pace and gate. I miss them on even simple hikes. Poles are also a good upper body work out.
Jane kept up really well, so well, I had her lead us back. (She doesn't know how tired I was before we made the top. But I was TIRED and HOT......should have carried more water too! She's a good hiker!)
We also met up with my biking buddies, Steve, Al, Ladera Dave and Bob. They were finishing up their ride in from the Nix Center which joins up on our trail. The sun beating down on us prevented a long stop by chat, so we said hi, bye and off we went.
The plus about the Laguna Wilderness trail is how much shade we can hike under. The cooler cover suddenly shows up enough after being exposed to direct sun. It's a beautiful trail in spring. I've taken some great photos of previous walks there, I'll try and post soon......
Always good to get OUT THERE..........