Sunday's hike was first time into Casper's Wilderness park off the Ortega Hwy in San Juan Capistrano. We decided to join an hour guided hike with Park Ranger Andrea and a handful of other hikers. Leah joined me and Al this time. Ranger Andrea was very informative and a pleasure to follow along for an hour. I learned that hummingbirds lick the soft, fuzzy underside of Sycamore leaves and take it back to line their nests. We each checked out the leaves and to my surprise..sure enough.....soft fuzz. I never realized...........We followed her along to the prickly pear cactus. She showed us the pink buds the coyote love to eat....I never knew..........then we walked underneath the HUGE canopy of gorgeous 200 yr old oak trees and took pix of the biggest bed of poison oak I'd ever been near. I learned Native Americans used to feed their infants bits of the leaf to avoid allergic reactions later in life. And that dogs can romp all over the stuff and not be bothered...but better not bet your pooch afterwards!! I didn't know..............Leaves of three, LET IT BE! Ok I will...........Then we passed by this bush, darn didn't write down the name, the first settlers would see this bush and plant fruit trees in the area. This bush is a frost detector. If it was growing well and full, frost isn't problem in the neighborhood! They also used the flower as mini tree decor on the train sets...'cuz it looks just like a mini xmas tree!......whattya know..........Then we passed by this chalky white flower coming off another cactus and we were allowed to touch it and you guessed it....it felt chalky! Neat!.....Then we passed by a type of buckwheat bush that harvester red ants feed off of. Sure enough, a big anthill was very busy right next door. Ranger Andrea told us the Horned Toad, close to being an endangered species because kids are taking them home with them; feeds solely on harvester ants. So if you aren't prepared to supply harvester ants around the clock, leave the Horned Toad in the park! Horned Toads shoot out blood from their eyes when they are threatened! ( I just read up, on line....). I never knew..................After our most pleasant and informative hour hike, the 3 of us returned to the trail and included another loop. Three hours total was a wonderful morning for our first hike into Caspers. We shall return probably closer to fall weather. It's a fantastic wilderness park...and we saw these mtn bike trails.......OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!