A valentine Sunday hike FEB 13th in Laguna Wilderness Park...What ANOTHER gorgeous day for hiking. We invited others who weren't able to join us..too bad, so sad....The Three Amigos....me Spain and Leah.....are becoming a great hiking trio....Leah spotted the two turkey vultures just above our heads as we were followed the dirt trail...Good eye Leah! Spain took these great shots of the vultures and of me 'n Leah inside of the cave we discovered off the beaten track. Great photos, my man! I don't think too many hikers venture where we do, like Spain says....try a new trail 'cuz you never know what you may find! Oh we had fun peeking around and playing in the dirt. I hope to set up a monthly hike with friends this spring; others have been asking so we shall get it together.. On the way back Mother Nature offered us her own special Valentine in the cactus and right in front of me on the trail. Nobody says it like Mother Nature!