Wow, what a great Mem. Weekend. OUT THERE! Bike, hike, bike, bike, bike.....good food, great company!
Our last day out there we headed out on the bike path at 7:30am and headed towards the beach. ALiso Creek bike path , through Laguna Niguel Reg'l Park and lake, cross Crown Valley Pkwy, up Niguel.....thataway..... We got down to Salt Creek in about an hour. We had heavy overcast skies for a bit. But like on cue, 10am rolled in and so did the sun. It was so beautiful! People were out walking, running, riding, kids, pets, everyone heading to the ocean. We rode all the way down to the sand...then rode across the sand at Strands on our skinny tires. We were solo riders on the sand having so much fun. As you can see we had to hike 'em up to the top, then rode back to Salt Creek and back on the bike trail home. Cool breeze kept us smiling as we grunted up a few hills on the return. Whoa, no suspension on these street bikes; gotta watch those bumps on the sidewalk....we NEVER ride in the street, I don't care what they say. Cars are scary! We rewarded our morning trip with a great lunch at Avila's back in Aliso Viejo. I could have ridden all day. But hey, three days in a row, how could I complain? I can't remember last time I rode by a lake and an ocean in the same morning.....