Another beautiful morning ride from RSM into O'Neill Park. Katie joined me and Spain as we headed up Coyote Canyon, down Vista, back up Coyote Canyon, down Live Oak, to Homestead...well, Katie and Spain headed back up CC but my legs said no, not a second time! So I pedaled around the park 'till they came around the bend. It was a very cool morning but sun shone warm. Gorgeous cumulus, piercing blue overhead, fantastic vistas up top. I'm really getting to like this park!
The 3 of us exited into the Arroyo Trabuco Trail, which winds its way through a mostly dry creek bed, some sand, medium boulders, sycamore and oak trees giving us occasional shade. Two spots of NOT DRY creek crossings had us splashing through avoiding slippery boulders. FUN!
Spain's brake pads gave up the ghost midway down the trail..guess you could say his springs sprung! The man is prepared for everything OUT THERE. He had a new brake pad installed in no time. Me and Katie ate and talked. We were no help to the man, but good company!!
We took Katie on down the trail until it became Ho Chi Minh trail, our favorite second half of the trail. Three more stream crossings going and coming.
MOUNTAIN LION YOUNGSTER SIGHTING! I was in the lead and yelled out, "Oh Look! A coyote!" What did I know? Spain was behind and said.."No, Bobcat! NO!! MOUNTAIN LION!! That's a ML youngster!
We all stopped and watched its "longer than a bobcat tail" disappear into the brush in a flash.
OMG. Yes, no coyote, it was a big kitty. WOW, Spain was all excited because he had finally seen a ML up close and personal, sort of, kind of. Well that made all 3 of us experiencing our first sighting of a ML. I was especially happy it was young, and in a hurry to get back to momma wherever SHE was. It was very cool to see the youngin' I must admit. SO glad I wasn't out hiking. Off we road a bit faster and scanning the meadow as we sailed through.
A wonderful morning ride with our special friend Katie.
Saddleback Mountain is always so beautiful. A perfect spring ride.
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