Next! Bedford Peak..Main Divide!!

Sunday last, it was all about the hike...a new hike for both of us. 2,000 ft in 3 1/2 miles ...straight up sweethearts! Silverado Motorway is just at the end of Silverado Canyon, at the foot of the Santa Ana Mtns, in Cleveland Nat'l Forest; CA. We had seen this trailhead a few times before but had been heading another direction on our mountain bikes. The weather was cool, sunny and clear; perfect for heading up a trail with no shady promises, all exposure on an ever
upward, winding single track. I made sure we packed almond butter and jelly sandwiches for this hike. A couple of gels and a small stick of monterey jack cheese and a handful of Ritz Bits was not going to be adequate fuel this time! The trail afforded us wonderful views of the canyons. The winding turns exposed rock formations that told the story of the evolution of these hills, their sedimentary chapters were too many to read on my first pass but beautiful in their undulating form and design. Halfway up is a place called Coffin Rock that offered much more history to anyone who could read rock! Quite a few mtn. bikers passed us heading down as this trail is a very popular end to climbing other trails connected at the Main Divide. It became obvious this trail was well used as additional hikers appeared for and aft. A young family had headed up at the same time we began, but left us in their dust in no time. They inspired me to move at a much steadier pace than if we'd been a solo couple. I also noticed how much stronger I am now, as I mentioned last week, from my reconditioned diet and workout program. Yep, more protein, less sugar, more fruits and veggies; card workout 5 days a week. It's working Shelli!! (She's my fitness coach.) Two hours+ up and we reached the Main Divide. It sounds so impressive...something like Continental Divide. Well, it was my first "divide" and it felt like something very big anyway! We made it to Bedford Peak, one of the highest summits in the Santa Ana mountains. The reward was a 360 of views! The ocean, Catalina Island, snow capped Mt Baldy, the other side of the mountains looking down on Corona, Palos Verdes Peninsula.....if it hadn't been for a very slight haze it would have really been spectacular. Sandwiches always taste so good at 2000 ft. Weird huh? I like the photo of the three bikers heading back down the hill behind me, after we had talked with them at the top. That's where we came from and would turn around and head back down. I can see why this trail is so popular on a clear fall or winter day. It would be impossibly hot in summer, and the reward of spectacular views is worth the pain in my calves all week.
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